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Saint Paul 大学 A Community & Technical 大学

申请 大学

Thank you for your interest in Saint Paul 大学. Below is important information about the application process. Please note it may take up to 72 hours for your application to be processed.

Attention Applicants: Are you planning on taking online courses? Please note that when selecting your “Major-Academic Program of Interest” select “On Campus” delivery method to see all of Saint Paul 大学’s majors. You can then view 和 select online course options when registering for specific courses.

New Student Checklist

Important Enrollment 信息rmation 和 Application FAQs

Application Fee Waived
The application fee of $20.00 is waived until further notice. 

E-mail Address
The e-mail address is required on your application. To be sure we can best serve you 和 provide you with the most up-to-date 大学 information in the most expeditious manner we require that you provide us with your e-mail address.

Social 安全 Number (SSN) 和 Date of Birth
Saint Paul 大学 requests your Social 安全 Number (SSN) 和 date of birth to help identify your record within the sy阀杆 和 ensure that all of your data is matched together, including financial aid application information, if applicable. If you provide your SSN 和 Date of Birth, it will be used by school officials for positive identification, institutional research, 和 required state 和 federal reporting. It may also be used within the sy阀杆 for purposes such as sy阀杆 consumer 和 alumni relations 和 to create summary data about sy阀杆 programs through data matches with other state agencies.

Program Start Dates
Make sure the program you are selecting starts on the semester for which you are applying. DO NOT APPLY FOR MORE THAN ONE PROGRAM.

What is needed to be accepted to Saint Paul 大学?
To be accepted into Saint Paul 大学, you will need to have earned or will earn your high school or GED diploma. If you are currently in high school 和 applying to the PSEO program, please click here to learn about the eligibility requirements.


The 大学 is asking you to provide information that includes private information under state 和 federal law. You are not legally required to provide the information the 大学 is requesting, 然而, the 大学 may not be able to effectively process your application if you do not provide sufficient information. With some exceptions, unless you consent to further release of private information, access to this information will be limited to school officials, including faculty who have legitimate educational interests in the information. Under certain circumstances, federal 和 state laws authorize release of private information without your consent

  • To other schools in which you seek or intend to enroll, or are enrolled, if you are first notified of the release
  • To federal, state, or local officials for purposes of program compliance, audit, or evaluation
  • As appropriate in connection with your application for, or receipt of, financial aid
  • To your parents, if your parents claim you as a dependent student for tax purposes
  • If the information is sought with a subpoena, 法院命令, or otherwise permitted by other state of federal law, 和
  • To an organization in educational research or accrediting agency

Federal 和 State legislation requires that the contents of student files be open to review by the student. Application forms, high school transcripts, 考试日期, 信, 和 recommendations that are sent as part of any application for admission will be open to the student's review upon request.

Online Application Process


Minnesota State Law (M.S. 135 A.14) requires that all students born after 1956 who are enrolled in a public or private post-secondary school in Minnesota be immunized against measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹. There are certain specific exemptions to this law as noted on the Immunization Form provided as part of the application for admission. All others must complete the attached Immunization Form. The information provided on the Immunization form will, 由法律规定, will be made available for review by the Minnesota Department of 健康 和 the local community 健康 board.

Immunization Record eForm

Notification of Admission

You will receive notification via email that you’ve been admitted to Saint Paul 大学, 和 you will also receive information about attending a New Student 取向, 建议 & 登记 session. At 取向, you’ll have an opportunity to register earlier with the assistance of an advisor.

For more information contact the One Stop at 651.846.1555.

Office 联系 信息rmation

问题? 我们可以帮忙!

We’ve put together a list of departments that can help you. Don’t know where to start? 完成 online Help Form or call us at 651.846.1555.

For information on non-credit courses 和 customized training, visit Continuing Education & Customized Training.

Lead college visits 和 plan your admission to Saint Paul 大学

This office helps to answer question from when you first apply to the school through registering for your first semester here. 联系 them for help with the admission process.

This office helps students select classes semester-to-semester up to graduation or transfer to another school. 转移 students will also work with this department for help with how classes transfer in.


This office h和les money coming in 和 money going out. 联系 them for questions about how to make payments or how your Financial Aid is sent to you.

This office helps you to order books through the process of picking them up or arriving at your house.


This office helps with technology challenges. 联系 them for help with your Star ID, student email, D2L, 和 other computer programs.

One Click Away From Your Future
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